
Last updated February 09, 2024

At Knowness we take safeguarding seriously, following the latest government legislation and regulations, as well as enforcing additional content moderation and reporting measures. Our platform is in full compliance with the Department for Education’s guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education, the chief guidance on safeguarding in education within the UK.

In addition to the aforementioned guidance, we enforce additional safeguarding measures above and beyond what is required. This includes:

  • No private communication channels: Users are not able to send or receive private messages. All content is tracked and linked to an individual account.
  • Use of school email addresses: Accounts use school email addresses, limiting the use of personal data and providing the school with full visibility.
  • Moderation and reporting of content: Users can report and block content. Reported content is automatically hidden, flagged, and then subject to review.
  • Automatic profanity filters: Any profanity or offensive language is banned and automatically removed from the platform.

Our safeguarding document is regularly reviewed in line with any changes in guidance and legislation, the current version of which can be viewed and downloaded below.

If you have any further queries, please contact us at
