GCSE Chemistry
GCSE Chemistry delves into the fundamental principles of matter, exploring topics such as atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical reactions, bonding, and the science behind everyday materials.
Study Guide
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Welcome to the GCSE Chemistry study guide for the AQA exam board! This study guide is structured to cover all of the topics in the AQA specification, providing you with all of the essential information you need for your GCSE examinations.
Course Content
1: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
2: Bonding, Structure, and the Properties of Matter
3: Quantitative Chemistry
4: Chemical Changes
5: Energy Changes
6: The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change
7: Organic Chemistry
8: Chemical Analysis
9: Chemistry of the Atmosphere
10: Using Resources
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GCSE Chemistry
Study Guide
(AQA) GCSE Chemistry
0 / 132 lessons
- GCSE Chemistry
- 1.1 A Simple Model of the Atom, Symbols, Relative Atomic Mass, Electronic Charge and Isotopes
- 1.2 The Periodic Table
- 1.3 Properties of Transition Metals
- 2.1 Chemical Bonds, Ionic, Covalent and Metallic
- 2.2 How Bonding and Structure are Related to the Properties of Substances
- 2.3 Structure and Bonding of Carbon
- 2.4 Bulk and Surface Properties of Matter including Nanoparticles
- 3.1 Chemical Measurements, Conservation of Mass and the Quantitative Interpretation of Chemical Equations
- 3.2 Use of Amount of Substance in Relation to Masses of Pure Substances
- 3.3 Yield and Atom Economy of Chemical Reactions
- 3.4 Using Concentrations of Solutions in mol/dm3 (HT only)
- 3.5 Use of Amount of Substance in Relation to Volumes of Gases (HT only)
- 4.1 Reactivity of Metals
- 4.2 Reactions of Acids
- 4.3 Electrolysis
- 5.1 Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
- 5.2 Chemical Cells and Fuel Cells
- 6.1 Rate of Reaction
- 6.2 Reversible Reactions and Dynamic Equilibrium
- 7.1 Carbon Compounds as Fuels and Feedstock
- 7.2 Reactions of Alkenes and Alcohols
- 7.3 Synthetic and Naturally Occurring Polymers
- 8.1 Purity, Formulations and Chromatography
- 8.2 Identification of Common Gases
- 8.3 Identification of Ions by Chemical and Spectroscopic Means
- 9.1 The Composition and Evolution of the Earth’s Atmosphere
- 9.2 Carbon Dioxide and Methane as Greenhouse Gases
- 9.3 Common Atmospheric Pollutants and their Sources
- 10.1 Using the Earth’s Resources and Obtaining Potable Water
- 10.2 Life Cycle Assessment and Recycling
- 10.3 Using Materials
- 10.4 The Haber Process and the use of NPK Fertilisers